Hi. I am Kirtana
I live in Milan - Yes, the design capital of the world - Sometimes overwhelming, but oh so inspiring! :)
My own entrepreneurial journey over the years has helped me establish the grounds of what a start-up owner needs and that’s the experience we try to deliver through our services - A collaborative process, actionable items with a result-oriented approach, paying attention to detail while keeping the bigger picture in mind.
Through the last 5 years of running Brand Compass, I lead the team on strategic and creative projects, setting the groundwork for everything we do and building processes and workflows that truly make sense for us and the people we work with!

Hi, I am Kaveri
I live in Coorg - on perpetual holiday? Not really!
My 12+ years of marketing experience gave me the perfect opportunity to consult and advise small business owners who were ready to leap into the digital world. A perfect time, fitting right into the ecosystem of the start-up boom. Being able to think holistically for businesses both online and offline makes my work an exciting space every day. Having constant exposure to a network of business owners and cross-learning helps me advise our clients on best industry practices.
Over 5 years, building Brand Compass on core pillars such as ethics, value systems and professionalism to create a healthy working culture for our team and clients has been a personal joy.
Our Team
We’re only as good as the amazing team that supports us!

Senior Account Manager and Project Manager
Jack of all trades, master of some.

Sakshi Pai
Social Media Specialist
The complete package,
get shit done-er

Social Media Manager
The engagement Expert!

Social Media Manager
Creating harmony through strategy

Navya Baranwal
Communication Designer
The strategic and visual storyteller

Social Media Intern
Our most trustworthy collaboratot

Social Media Intern
The everything editor!

Website Development Expert
The one that never says no!

The numbers guy!
Here’s a little bit about what it’s like to work with us!

Always finding the balance
We're freakin good at what we do. We multitask, we run the show, we're really cool and we're proud of it. Clients see us as subject matter experts and this is the personality type we wear on our sleeve day in, day out.

Creatively co-dependent
Working remotely unknowingly makes you a one-man-army : It takes a specific mindset to change this. Because more minds convert to bigger and better results, always! We encourage creative and collaborative dialogue within the team, and create interdependencies to each steps up to the role they’re most suited for.

Applying an intentional approach
Tried, tested and proven - Our work load is spread in a way to enable you to make best use of our time, showing up fully and being present in the work we do. We value each other's time working and time off.

Pro task managers
We take pride in our process, and we swear by the ecosystem we have built. Our SOPs are tight and full proof and this is what enables us to do the work we do and do it well. Everything starts with a process and a process well followed is a job well done.

Constantly adapting and evolving
While we know the abc of social media marketing, we’re never in a place of knowing and having tried it all. We treat every month, every initiative with a fresh perspective and you’ll always see potential for your client and you to grow along the way, adapting to this dynamic and ever changing world

Embracing the new normal
Although we work remotely, we are connected digitally. We do not isolate ourselves with our work or with each other and we stay connected in the best way possible. We respect each other's time and boundaries and respect that remote work is as much a commitment as to any other physical model of working. We prioritize FaceTime whenever possible, and make sure to co-work more and more frequently.